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Law Offices of Kevin D. Smith, P.A. 

Florida Independent Contractor Agreements

Clarity and precision are very important when you draft an independent contractor agreement. Whether you're a business owner or a freelancer, understanding these agreements can save you from legal issues.
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Law Offices of Kevin D. Smith, P.A. 

Translating the New DOL Independent Contractor Rule

The DOL's Independent Contractor Rule aims to clarify the criteria for determining whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee. This distinction is crucial as it affects everything from tax obligations to benefits and legal protections.
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Law Offices of Kevin D. Smith, P.A.

Are Non-Competes Enforceable?

Non-compete agreements, also referred to as “non-competes” have long been a staple document used by employers of all sizes to protect their business interests. However, the era of non-competes in U.S. employment is coming to an end after the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued its final rule to prohibit the use of these agreements across the country.
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